代玥玥 副教授 华中科技大学网络空间安全学院6G移动通信研究中心 邮箱:yueyuedai@hust.edu.cn 联系地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号,华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心B区 邮编:430074 |
2022.01-至今, 华中科技大学,网络空间安全学院,副教授
2017.10-2019.04, 挪威奥斯陆大学,信息学院,导师:YanZhang教授,博士联合培养
2014.09-2019.12, 电子科技大学,信通学院,导师:许都教授,博士
2010.09-2014.06, 电子科技大学,通信学院,学士
1. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Sabita Maharjan, Zhuang Chen, Qian He, Yan Zhang, "Blockchain and Deep Reinforcement Learning Empowered Intelligent 5G Beyond," IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 10-17, May/June 2019.
2. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Joint Load Balancing and Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 4377-4387, June 2019.
3. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Sabita Maharjan, Guanhua Qiao, Yan Zhang, "Artificial Intelligence Empowered Edge Computing and Caching for Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 12-18, June 2019.
4. Yueyue Dai, Ke Zhang, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Computation Offloading in Digital Twin Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, doi: 10.1109/TII.2020.3016320.
5. Yueyue Dai, Ke Zhang, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Edge Intelligence for Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in 5G Beyond," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 12175-12186, Oct. 2020.
6. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Joint Computation Offloading and User Association in Multi-Task Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 12313-12325, Dec. 2018.
7. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Ke Zhang, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Deep Reinforcement Learning and Permissioned Blockchain for Content Caching in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 4312-4324, April 2020.
8. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Joint Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks," 2018 IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2018, pp. 1-7.
9. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Yong Zhan, "Towards Optimal Access Point Selection with Available Bandwidth Estimation," 2017 IEEE iThings, Exeter, 2017, pp. 762-769.
10. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Yunlong Lu, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Edge Caching and Content Delivery in Internet of Vehicles", 2019 IEEE/CIC ICCC,Chang Chun, China , 2019, pp. 134-139.
11. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Ke Zhang, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, " Permissioned Blockchain and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Content Caching in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks," 2019 WCSP, Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 1-6.
12. Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, Ke Zhang, Yunlong Lu, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Edge Computing and Resource Allocation in 5G Beyond," 2019 ICCT, Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 866-870.
13. Yunlong Lu,Xiaohong Huang, Yueyue Dai, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang,"Blockchain and Federated Learning for Privacy-preserved Data Sharing in Industrial IoT," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 4177-4186, June 2020.
14. Yunlong Lu,Xiaohong Huang, Yueyue Dai, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang, " Differentially Private Federated Learning for Mobile Edge Computing in Urban Informatics," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 2134-2143, March 2020.
15. Yunlong Lu,XiaohongHuang,Yueyue Dai, Sabita Maharjan, Yan Zhang," Federated Learning for Data Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems," IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 50-56, May/June 2020.
16. YanghaoXie, Sheng Wang, Yueyue Dai, " Revenue-maximizing virtualized network function chain placement in dynamic environment,” Future Generation Computer Systems,Volume 108, 2020,Pages 650-661,ISSN 0167-739X,".
17. Bin Li, Zesong Fei, Yueyue Dai, Yan Zhang, "Secrecy-Optimized Resource Allocation for UAV-Assisted Relaying Networks," 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2018, pp. 1-6.
18. YanghaoXie, Sheng Wang, Yueyue Dai, "Provable Algorithm for Virtualized Network Function Chain Placement in Dynamic Environment," 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Hawaii, USA,2019,pp. 1-6.
19. Huihui Ma, Du Xu, Yueyue Dai, and Qing Dong. "An intelligent scheme for congestion control: When active queue management meets deep reinforcement learning." Computer Networks 200 (2021): 108515.
20. Wenjie Jia, Linyuan Lü, Manuel Sebastian Mariani, Yueyue Dai, and Tao Jiang, "Toward Detecting Previously Undiscovered Interaction Types in Networked Systems," IEEE Internet of Things Journal. vol. 9, no.20, pp20422-20430, Oct. 2022.
21. Guojun He, Shibo Cui, Yueyue Dai, and Tao Jiang, "Learning Task-Oriented Channel Allocation for Multi-Agent Communication," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. vol. 71, no.11, pp12016-12029, Nov. 2022.
1.代玥玥,谌薇,许都,孙罡,廖丹,虞红芳,一种基于可用带宽的多 AP 选择方法,2017(已授权,专利号:ZL201710013090.1)
3. Gang Sun, Yueyue Dai, Du Xu, et.al, Method for associating a user with a base station based on backhaul capacity in heterogeneous cellular network [P], United States, US Patent, US 2018/0227927 A1, Aug. 9, 2018 (US10085272B2)
1. 中国电子教育学会优秀博士论文
2. ICCT Best Paper
3. 2017年度国家留学基金委(CSC)公派留学奖学金
· IEEE Network (Guest editor)
· China Communication (Guest editor)
· Future Generation Computer Systems(Guest editor)
· Digital Communications and Networks(Guest editor)
· Blocksys 2022
· IEEE ICC 2019-2022
· IEEE Globecom 2019-2022
· IEEE VTC 2019-2021
· ICDCS 2022 WK
· HPCC 2021 WK