桂良启 教授 华中科技大学 网络空间安全学院 邮箱: guilq@hust.edu.cn 联系地址: 湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号,华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心B区 邮编:430074 |
2011.6-2012.6, 美国密苏里大学(Rolla分校)EMC实验室交流访问
1998.7-2000.8, 许继集团公司研发工程师,“电磁信息高效获取技术”团队负责人
1994年9月- 1998年6月, 武汉大学 应用电子技术, 学士
2000年9月- 2005年9月, 华中科技大学大学 电子与信息工程系, 博士
1. 主持国家重点研发计划课题“高稳定载波产生与静电耦合注入技术”(5年);
2. 主持国家自然科学基金研究项目“空中运动目标毫米波信号机理及特性研究”(4年);
3. 主持湖北省重点研发计划项目“便携式火灾探测仪研制”;
4. 主持武汉邮科院“全数字集群通信标准TETRA空中接口第二层协议的研究”项目,并短期参与邮科院北方烽火“3G的CS域核心网呼叫控制部分的研究”;
5. 主持“十一五” 国家“863”计划专题项目“数字补偿辐射计及其定标标技术的研究”(编号:2006AA09Z143);
6. 主持国家自然科学基金研究项目“新型海水盐度遥感微波辐射计关键技术研究”(编号40806069);
7. 主持“十二·五”国家863计划专题项目“星载太赫兹XXX关键技术研究”(5年);
8. 主持国家“973”计划子项目“典型目标与环境XXX信息表达”(4年);
9. 主持中电集团“射频机架XXX耦合要素研究”;
10. 主持中船重工集团“舰船天线集成XXXX分析”;
11. 主持湖北省自然科学基金项目“全数字补偿星载微波辐射仪的研究;
12. 主持校前沿探索、国防创新项目、交叉团队等项目3项;
13. 参与国家“863”重点探月子项目、国家“探索一代”项目、湖北省重点研发计划项目等多项。
1. Haofeng Dou, Gui Liangqi, Qingxia Li. Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging with Mirrored Aperture Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(10): 8105-8117, 2019.
2. Dandan Liu, Gui Liangqi, Zixiao Zhang. Multiplexed OAM Wave Communication with Two-OAM-Mode Antenna Systems. IEEE Access, (7): 4160-4166, 2018.
3. Xinxin Tian, Liehui Ren, Yao-Jiang Zhang, Duo-long Wu, Gary Zhang, Dazhao Liu, Gui Liangqi. Efficient Analysis of Compact Vias in an Arbitrarily Shaped Plate Pair by Hybrid Boundary-Integral and Finite-Element Method. IEEE Access, (7): 59394 - 59402, 2018.
4. Dou Haofeng, Li Qingxia, Gui Liangqi, Chen ke, Li Yufang, Huang Congcong, Hu Menglin. One-Dimensional Mirrored Aperture Synthesis with Rotating Reflector. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(2): 197-201, 2018.
5. Gui Liangqi, C. Zhou, X. Tian, F. Yang, Y. J. Zhang. Efficient Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Rods by Equivalent Microwave Network Method. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, (53):89-98, 2017.
6. D Liu, Gui Liangqi, C Zhou, Z Zhang, H Chen and T Jiang. Design and verification of monopole patch antenna systems to generate orbital angular momentum waves. Aip Advances, 7(9): 095113, 2017.
7. Cong Zhou, Gui Liangqi, Dandan Liu, Lang Lv, Dandan Lu, Liang Lang. Simulation and Measurement for Shielding Effectiveness of Small Size Metal Enclosure, IET Science Measurement & Technology, 11(1):25-29, 2017.
8. Gui Liangqi, Cao Yang, He Jia, Gao Xiaoping, Chen Ke, Guo Wei, Li Qingxia. Research on the EM Modeling of Optimization of PCB Grounded Via. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v: 195-196, p: 1153-1157, 2012.
9. He Jiao, Gui Liangqi, Jiang Tao, Zhou Cong, Lv Lang. Analysis on scattering parameters for coupled microstrip lines with bend discontinuities. Sixth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2014: 1-4.
10. Gui Liangqi, M.R. Akram, D. Liu. Circular Slot Antenna Systems for OAM Waves Generation. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. (16):1443-1446, 2016.
11. Tian Xinxin, Zhang Yao-Jiang, Liu Dazhao, Gui Liangqi, Li Qingxia, Fan Jun. Efficient Analysis of Power/Ground Planes Loaded With Dielectric Rods and Decoupling Capacitors by Extended Generalized Multiple Scattering Method. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 57(1): 135–144, 2015.
12. Xinxin Tian, Matthew S. Halligan, Gui Liangqi, Bruce Archambeault, Qingxia Li, David Pommerenke, and James L. Drewniak. Quantifying Radiation and Physics from Edge-Coupled Signal Connectors. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat. 57(4) : 780-787, 2015.
13. Hu Guoping, Chen Ke, Huang Quanliang, Wei Guo, Li Qingxia, Gui Liangqi, Cheng Yingbiao. Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpretation of Topographic Effect on Microwave Data From Chang'E. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(8): 4499-4510, 2014.
14. Dandan Liu, Gui Liangqi, Muhammad Rizwan Akram. Generation of OAM Radio Waves Using Slot Antenna Array. APMC2015, Nianjing, 2015.
15. Y Cheng, F Hu, Gui Liangqi, L Wu. Polarization-based Method for Object Surface Orientation Information in Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging. IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(1): 1-1, 2015.
16. Dong Jian, Li Qingxia, Shi Ronghua, Gui Liangqi, Guo Wei. The placement of antenna elements in aperture synthesis microwave radiometers for optimum radiometric sensitivity. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 59(11): 4103-4114, 2011.