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  1. 1. Wenyuan Ma, Wei Wang, and Tao Jiang. Joint Energy Harvest and Information Transfer for Energy Beamforming in Backscatter Multiuser Networks. Appear to  IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  2. 2. Zhiang Niu, Wenyuan Ma, Wei Wang, and Tao Jiang. Spatial Modulation-Based Ambient Backscatter: Bringing Energy Self-Sustainability to Massive Internet of Everything in 6G. Appear to China Communications.
  3. 3. Lixia Xiao, Da Chen, Ibrahim Hemadeh, Pei Xiao, and Tao Jiang. Graph Theory assisted Bit-to-Index-Combination Gray Coding for Generalized Index Modulation. Appear to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  4. 4. Lixia Xiao, Da Chen, Ibrahim Hemadeh, Pei Xiao, and Tao Jiang. Generalized Space Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation for Open-loop Massive MIMO Downlink Communication Systems. Appear to IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  5. 5. Wenfeng Liu, Stefan Schwarz, Markus Rupp, Da Chen, and Tao Jiang. Preamble-Based Channel Estimation for OQAM/FBMC Systems with Delay Diversity. Appear to            IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  6. 6. Shengkai Zhang, Wei Wang, and Tao Jiang. WiFi-Inertial Indoor Pose Estimation for Micro Aerial Vehicles. Appear to                IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
  7. 7. Wen-Long Chin, Cheng-Che Hsieh, David Shiung, and Tao Jiang. Intelligent Indoor Positioning based on Artificial Neural Networks. Appear to           IEEE Network.
  8. 8. Jiezhi Zhang, Yu Zhang, Caijun Zhong, and Zhaoyang Zhang. Robust Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces Assisted MISO Systems.           IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 2353-2357, Oct. 2020.
  9. 9. Shengkai Zhang, Wei Wang, Sheyang Tang, Shi Jin, and Tao Jiang. Robot-assisted Backscatter Localization for IoT Applications.           IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no.9, pp. 5807-5818, Sep. 2020.
  10. 10. Xiaoling Hu, Caijun Zhong, Yongxu Zhu, Xiaoming Chen, and Zhaoyang Zhang. Programmable Metasurface-Based Multicast: Design and Analysis.           IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1763-1776, Aug. 2020.
  11. 11. Yu Zhang, Caijun Zhong, Zhaoyang Zhang, and Weidang Lu. Sum Rate Optimization for Two Way Communications With Intelligent Reflecting Surface.           IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1090-1094, May 2020.
  12. 12. 伍明江,类先富,李里,唐小虎. 面向 6G 物联网的主被动互惠传输关键技术.          物联网学报, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 45-51, Mar. 2020.
  13. 13. Xiaoling Hu, Junwei Wang, and Caijun Zhong. Statistical CSI based Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted MISO Systems.             Science China: Information Science, vol. 63, no. 12, 1-10, 2020.
  14. 14. Guochao Song, Wei Wang, Hang Yang, Dongchen Zhang, Peng Gao, and Tao Jiang. Exploiting Channel Polarization for Reliable Wide-Area Backscatter Networks. Appear to     IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  15. 15. Shengkai Zhang, Wei Wang, Ning Zhang, and Tao Jiang. LoRa Backscatter Assisted State Estimator for Micro Aerial Vehicles with Online Initialization. Appear to    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  16. 16. Shengkai Zhang, Sheyang Tang, Wei Wang, Tao Jiang, and Qian Zhang. Conquering Textureless with RF-referenced Monocular Vision for MAV State Estimation. Appear to     IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
  17. 17. Shuo Li, Lixia Xiao, and Tao Jiang. An Efficient Matching Pursuit Based Compressive Sensing Detector For Uplink Grant-Free NOMA.         IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 2012-2017, Feb. 2021.
  18. 18. Qiwei Hu, Wei Wang, Xiang Bai, Shi Jin, and Tao Jiang. Blockchain Enabled Federated Slicing for 5G Networks with AI Accelerated Optimization.         IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 46-52, Nov./Dec. 2020.
  19. 19. Y. Zeng and X. Xu. oward Environment-Aware 6G Communications via Channel Knowledge Map.     IEEE Wireless Communications, early access.
  20. 20. Y. Zeng, X. Xu, S. Jin and R. Zhang. Simultaneous Navigation and Radio Mapping for Cellular-Connected UAV with Deep Reinforcement Learning.          IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  21. 21. H. Lu, Y. Zeng, S. Jin and R. Zhang. Aerial Intelligent Reflecting Surface: Joint Placement and Passive Beamforming Design with 3D Beam Flattening.         IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  22. 22. Y. Zuo, S. Jin and S. Zhang. Computation Offloading in Untrusted MEC-aided Mobile Blockchain IoT Systems.     IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, early access.
  23. 23. Y. Zuo, S. Jin, S. Zhang and Y. Zhang. Blockchain Storage and Computation Offloading for Cooperative Mobile-Edge Computing.         IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 9084-9098, June, 2021.
  24. 24. Z. Xiao, Y. Zeng. An Overview on Integrated Localization and Communication Towards 6G.     SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, early access.
  25. 25. Q. Tao, J. Wang and C. Zhong. Performance Analysis of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Communication Systems.     IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 2464-2468, Nov. 2020.
  26. 26. Q. Tao, C. Zhong, X. Chen, H. Lin and Z. Zhang. Optimal Detection for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems With Multiantenna Reader Under Complex Gaussian Illuminator.   IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 11371-11383, Dec. 2020.
  27. 27. X. Hu, C. Zhong, Y. Zhang, X. Chen and Z. Zhang. Location Information Aided Multiple Intelligent Reflecting Surface Systems.   IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 7948-7962, Dec. 2020.
  28. 28. Q. Tao, S. Zhang, C. Zhong and R. Zhang. Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multicasting With Random Passive Beamforming.   IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 92-96, Jan. 2021.
  29. 29. X. Hu, C. Zhong, M. -S. Alouini and Z. Zhang. Robust Design for IRS-Aided Communication Systems With User Location Uncertainty.   IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 63-67, Jan. 2021.
  30. 30. X. Gan, C. Zhong, Y. Zhu and Z. Zhong. User Selection in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Communication Systems.     IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1353-1357, April 2021.
  31. 31. X. Hu, C. Zhong and Z. Zhang. Angle-Domain Intelligent Reflecting Surface Systems: Design and Analysis.  IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 4202-4215, June 2021.
  32. 32. Q. Tao, Y. Li, C. Zhong, S. Shao and Z. Zhang. A Novel Interference Cancellation Scheme for Bistatic Backscatter Communication Systems.     IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 2014-2018, June 2021.
  33. 33. Hu, Xiaoling and Gao, Feifei and Zhong, Caijun and Chen, Xiaoming and Zhang, Yu and Zhang, Zhaoyang. An Angle Domain Design Framework for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Systems.     IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 1-6, 2020. (Best Paper Award)
  34. 34. X. Lei, M. Wu, F. Zhou, X. Tang, R. Q. Hu, and P. Fan. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Based Symbiotic Radio for 6G: Design, Challenges, and Opportunities. Appear to      IEEE Wireless Communications.
  35. 35. X. Ma, X. Lei, W. Xu, and P. T. Mathiopoulos. Performance Analysis of TDD Multicell Massive MIMO Systems with Non-orthogonal Pilots and Hardware Imperfections in Rician Fading Channels.   IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1347-1364-6499, Feb. 2021.
  36. 36. J. Ren, X. Lei, P. D. Diamantoulakis, F. Zhou, X. Tang, and O. A. Dobre. NOMA for Wireless-Powered Communication Networks with Buffered Sources. Appear to      IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  37. 37. Y. Ma, Z. Yuan, W. Li and Z. Li. PDRS: A Fast Non-Iterative Scheme for Massive Grant-Free Access in Massive MIMO.     IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 760-764, April 2021.
  38. 38. Y. Ma, Z. Yuan, W. Li and Z. Li. Novel Solutions to NOMA based Modern Random Access for 6G Enabled IoT. Appear to       IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  39. 39. 陶晓明, 杨铀, 徐迈,段一平, 黄丹蓝, 刘文予. 面向体验质量的多媒体计算通信.     中国图象图形学报.
  40. 40. 陶晓明,杜冰,段一平. 脑启发视频用户体验评测关键技术[J].     中兴通讯技术, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 33-36, 2021.


  1. 1. Guochao Song, Hang Yang, Wei Wang, and Tao Jiang. Reliable Wide-Area Backscatter via Channel Polarization.    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Beijing, China, 27-30 Apr. 2020.
  2. 2. Shengkai Zhang, Wei Wang, Ning Zhang, and Tao Jiang. RF Backscatter-based State Estimation for Micro Aerial Vehicles.        IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Beijing, China, 27-30 Apr. 2020.
  3. 3. H. Lu and Y. Zeng. How Does Performance Scale with Antenna Number for Extremely Large-Scale MIMO? Accepted by        ICC 2021, with Best Paper Awards of this year’s technical program.
  4. 4. D. Wu, Y. Zeng, S. Jin and R. Zhang. Environment-Aware and Training-Free Beam Alignment for mmWave Massive MIMO via Channel Knowledge Map. Accepted by       ICC 2021 workshops.
  5. 5. C. Feng, H. Lu, Y. Zeng, S. Jin, and R. Zhang. Wireless Communication with Extremely Large-Scale Intelligent Reflecting Surface.     ICCC' 2021: International Conference on Communications in China.
  6. 6. Z. Dai, R. Li, J. Xu, Y. Zeng and S. Jin. Cell-Free Symbiotic Radio: Channel Estimation Method and Achievable Rate Analysis.     ICCC' 2021: International Conference on Communications in China.
  7. 7. Zhe Li, Bingrui Geng, Xiaoming Tao, Yiping Duan, Dingcheng Gao, Shuzhan Hu. VIDEO QUALITY MEASUREMENT FOR BUFFERING TIME BASED ON EEG FREQUENCY FEATURE.        IEEE ICIP 2021( The 28th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ).
  8. 8. Xin Ma, Yiping Duan, Shuzhan Hu, Xiaoming Tao, Ning Ge. EEG BASED VISUAL CLASSIFICATION WITH MULTI-FEATURE JOINT LEARNING.      2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing( IEEE ICIP 2021 ).