Liang Lang   Associate Professor

School of Cyber Science and Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
E-mail:  L_
Mail Address: No.1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Wuhan National Research Center of optoelectronics, Huazhong University of science and technology.
Post code: 430074

Research Interest

Underwater communication, Antenna design, Targets detection


Looking for Colleagues and Students

I am currently looking for highly motivated students to join our research group in wireless communication. Candidates who have strong interest in 6G communication as well as strong motivation towards academic excellence are highly recommended.



Working Experience

2012.7-2013.6, Visiting scholar, Department of electronic and computer engineering, University of Houston, USA



Education Experience

2003-2009, Ph.D., Department of electronic and information engineering, Huazhong University of science and technology.
1997-1999, M.E., Department of electronic and information engineering, Huazhong University of science and technology.
1993-1997, B.E., Department of electronic engineering, Central South University for nationalities.


Selected Publications

1. Liu Qingshu, Lang Liang*. MMFF: Multi-manifold feature fusion based neural networks for target recognition in complex-valued SAR imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 180(1):151-162, 2021.

2. Feichi Lin, Huan Zheng, Bing Xiang, Rui Xu, Wei Jiang, Liang Lang. Vibration-Induced Noise in Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Receiving Antennas. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 20(6): 913-917, 2021.

3. D. Zhu, F. Hu, L. Wu, J. Li, and Liang Lang. Low-Redundancy Linear Arrays in Mirrored Interferometric Aperture Synthesis. Optics Letters, 41(2): 368-371, 2016.

4. Linfeng He, Liang Lang, Qingxia Li, Wenchao Zheng. Effect of surface roughness on microwave brightness temperature from lunar surface: Numerical analysis with a hybrid method. Advances in Space Research, 51(1): 179-187, 2013.

5. Linfeng He, Liang Lang, Qingxia Li, Wenchao Zheng. Scattering From Large-scale Stratified Rough Surfaces Using Improved BMIA/CAG. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 27(4): 360-368, 2012.